Monday, June 27, 2011

The drawing board

The expression is: "Back to the drawing board."
Meaning: well, so much for that.
And then, start over, with either
a different approach or a different endeavor.

Begin again. Again.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Fair Lady

It seemed like a simple inquiry, I'm sure.

What would be entailed in making a dress like this? Can you do it?
Well...yes. I can. Will I? There's the more important question.

And are you willing to pay what it's worth?

Water Sports

Who says cats don't like water?

This one does.
Not a bath, or any other form of soaking,
but a little scamper through the lawn sprinklers is quite nice!

And when the hose is on, lots of fun!
Surveillance, stalking. Dodging and darting.
Ahh, the intrigue!
The challenge and exhilaration!

This cat loves the water!