Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Therapy trip

Today, they go to therapy together. I hope it goes well.
I'll reserve judgement until I see the after-effects.

I don't enjoy being this cynical, but it's a difficult thing to break out of, when one's hopes and aspirations have been so squashed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I don't want this to be a gripe page.

Not Home

Alright, it's bad.

Before, it was just not good. Now, it's bad.

We're not at home when we're home.
It's not our home. It's theirs.
That's been made ever-increasingly, abundantly clear.

Nothing is ever okay.
It's just varying degrees of tolerable.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Waiting for the next mistake, or complaint, or scolding.

It's bad.